The cow thing started when I was in junior high and all the girls had crush on a particular boy at our church camp. (If that doesn't make sense, keep in mind that we were in junior high!) Back then, cows weren't all that popular, and I could buy almost every cow thing I found. These days cow stuff is everywhere, so I have to be a bit more selective. Since Steve doesn't share my sentiments towards cows, my collection hasn't grown much since we've been married, although he did give me a cow card for our first Valentine's Day date.
Me with "Cow-Web"
Cornelia with ".cow"

This was the summer of 2000 when I was working at IBM. Cornelia and I were down in New York City, and I thought the CowParade cows were pretty cool. I only wish I could have seen them all!

This was my 25th birthday party. From left to right: Steve, Debbie, Derrick, Karyn, Steph (with cow on her head), Scott, Mike, and Tim. The cow was a gift from Mike and Tim.
"Who is that?!?" Gretchen and I had everybody fooled this particular Halloween at Gustavus. I can't believe nobody recognized our ankles!