My favorite sport is definitely volleyball. Towards the end of our time at MIT, Steve and I played a lot of volleyball with the guys from my lab. In the summer of 2002, our lab team made it to the final round of the chemistry league playoffs. I also played with WAVE, a women's club team at MIT. That was really good for me, since I never had any volleyball training other than high school gym class.
Here I am, playing volleyball at the East Campus sand court, looking pretty serious about my underhand serve.
I'm not sure what happened here ... maybe Tim pushed me down???
Although Steve and I met through the Graduate Christian Fellowship when I first arrived at MIT, we didn't really get to know each other until we started playing volleyball together, so it seemed appropriate to play a little volleyball at our wedding. In general, it's not a good idea to wear a veil while playing volleyball, but if I'd taken mine off, I would have ruined my hair!



Here I am racking up points with my killer overhand serve!   Summer 2002 LOOE volleyball team (otherwise known as Organix) playing in the Chemistry Summer League semi-finals. From left to right: Me, James, Seth, Steve, Conor and Alexi. Against all odds, we won our semi-final match, but couldn't quite pull off the championship. We ate a lot of ice cream to celebrate, anyway.
This was my first volleyball tournament, and it was a lot of fun! MIT WAVE team members from left to right: Steph, Sarah, Charlotte, Esther, Me, Ai-Ris, and Deb. I was our team's "tall girl," but I was short compared to some of the other tall girls!