Journal Publications

  • Phipps, C., Shores, B., Minor, M.A., "Design, Control, and Characterization of Quasi Steady Hybrid Locomotion in a Rolling Disk Biped," IEEE Trans. Robotics, in press.
  • Engeberg, E., Minor, M.A., Meek, S.G. "Hybrid Force-Velocity Control of a Prosthetic Hand," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol 55, No 5, pp 1572-81, May 2008.
  • Kim, Y., Minor, M. A., "Path Manifold Based Kinematic Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots Considering Physical Constraints," International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol 26, No 9, pp 755-75, 2007.
  • Minor, M.A., Merrell, R., "Instrumentation and Algorithms for Posture Estimation in Compliant Framed Modular Mobile Robotic Systems," International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp 491-512, May 2007.
  • Minor, M.A., Hirschi, C.R., "Design and Evaluation of an Automated Tether Management System for Extravehicular Activities," Journal of Field Robotics, Vol. 24, No 4, pp 311-337, April 2007.
  • Zhu, X., Kim, Y., Merrell, R., Minor, M.A., "Cooperative Motion Control and Sensing Architecture in Compliant Framed Modular Mobile Robots," IEEE Trans. Rob., Vol 23, No. 5, pp 1095-1101, October 2007.
  • Zhu, X., Minor, M. A., Park, S-Y., "Distributed Robust Control of Compliant Framed Wheeled Modular Mobile Robots," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control,  Vol. 128, No. 3, pp 489-498, September 2006.
  • Minor, M.A., Albiston, B.W., Schwensen, C.L., "Simplified Motion Control for Compliant Framed Wheeled Mobile Robots," IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol 22, No. 3, pp 491-506, June 2006.
  • Norton, A., Minor, M.A., "Pneumatic Microactuator Powered by the Deflagration of Sodium Azide," IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol 15, No 2, pp. 344-354, April 2006.
  • Arora, D., Minor. M. A., Skliar, M. Roemer, R. B., "Control of Thermal Therapies With Moving Power Deposition Field," Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 51, pp. 1201–1219, 2006.
  • Krosuri, S., Minor, M.A., "Design, Modeling, Control, and Evaluation of a Miniature Hybrid Hip Climbing Robot," International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 24, No. 12, p1033-1053, Dec. 2005.
  • Xiao, J., Xi, N., Dulimarta, H., Tummala, R.L., Minor, M., Mukherjee, R.,  "Modeling, Control, and Motion Planning of a Climbing Microrobot," Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 289-307, 2004
  • Minor, M.A., Mukherjee, R., "Underactuated Kinematic Structures for Miniature Climbing Robots," ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol.125, No.2, pp.281-91, 2003.
  • Mukherjee, R, Minor, M.A., Pukrushpan, J., "Motion Planning for a Spherical Mobile Robot: Revisiting the Classical Ball-Plate Problem," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, Vol. 124, No.4, pp 502-511, 2002.
  • Minor, M.A., Mukherjee, R.  "A Mechanism for Dexterous End-Effector Placement During Minimally Invasive Surgery," ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol.124, No.4, pp. 472-479, 1999.
  • Mukherjee, R., Minor, M.A., Song, G., Satava, R.  "Optimization of an Articulated Instrument for Enhanced Dexterity in Minimally Invasive Therapy," Journal of Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies, Vol.7, No.4, pp.335-42, 1998.
  • The following articles have been submitted and are being considered:
  • Kim, Y., Minor, M.A., "Time Invariant Kinematic Motion Control of Multi-Robot Coordination Subject to Physical Constraints," submitted to International Journal of Robotics Research, Revised and under consideration.
  • Kim, Y., Minor, M. A., "Coordinated Kinematic Control of Compliantly Coupled Multi-Robot Systems in an Array Format," submitted to IEEE Transactions on Robotics, under revision.
  • Kulkarni, S., Minor, M.A., Deaver, M., Pardyjak, E., Hollerbach, J.M., "Control of wind flow patterns in a Virtual Environment," submitted to IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, under review.

Invited Publications

  • Tummala, R.L., Mukherjee, M., Xi, N., Aslam, D., Dulimarta, H., Xiao, J., Minor, M., Dangi, G., "Climbing the Walls," IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine,  Vol.9, No.4, pp.10-20, December 2002.

Refereed Conference Publications

The following publications reflect competitive peer reviewed conferences with low (typically 35-50%) acceptance rates:

  • Kim, Y., Minor, M.A., "Coordinated Kinematic Motion Control of Compliant Framed Wheeled Modular Mobile Robots," 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Nice, France, Sept 22-26, 6 pages, 2008.
  • Phipps, C., Johnson, D., Minor, M.A., "Graph Search Joint Path Planning for Robot Center of Gravity Positioning," 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Nice, France, Sept 22-26, 6 pages, 2008.
  • Terry, J.D., Minor, M.A., "Traction Estimation and Control Mobile of Robots Using Wheel Slip Velocity," 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Nice, France, Sept 22-26, 7 pages, 2008.
  • Kulkarni, S.D., Minor, M.A., Pardyjak, E., Hollerbach, J.M, "Combined Wind Speed and Angle Control in a Virtual Environment Using a Static Observer," 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Nice, France, Sept 22-26, 7 pages, 2008.
  • Johnson, E., Minor, M.A., Bamberg, S., "State Estimator for Rejecting Noise and Tracking Bias in Inertial Sensors," 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Pasadena, CA, May 19-23, pp 3256-63, 2008.
  • Kim, Y., Minor, M..A.,"Kinematic Motion Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots Considering Curvature Constraints," 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Pasadena, CA, May 19-23, pp 2527-32, 2008.
  • Kulkarni, S., Minor, M., Deaver, M., Pardyjak , E., Hollerbach, J.  "Steady Headwind Display with Conditional Angular Rate-Switching Control,"  2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Pasadena, CA, May 19-23, pp 1118-24, 2008.
  • Phipps, C, and Minor, M., "Quasi-Static Rolling Control of the Rolling Disk Biped Robot," 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Pasadena, CA, May 19-23, pp 1239-45, 2008.
  • Kulkarni, S.D., Minor, M.A., Deaver, M.W., Pardyjak, E.R., "Output Feedback Control of Wind Display in a Virtual Environment," 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Roma, Italy, April  10-14, pp 832-839, 2007.
  • Flickinger, D.M., Minor, M.A., "Remote Low Frequency State Feedback Kinematic Motion Control for Mobile Robot Trajectory Tracking," 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Roma, Italy, April  10-14, pp 3502 - 3507, 2007.
  • Kim, Y., Minor, M.A., "Decentralized Motion Control for Multiple-Axle Compliant Framed Modular Mobile Robots," 2006 IEEE/RSJ Int’l Conf. on Intelligent Systems and Robots, October 9-15, Beijing, China, pp 392-397, 2006.
  • Zhu, X., Minor, M.A., "Motion Control and Sensing Strategy for a Two-axle Compliant Framed Wheeled Modular Mobile Robot," 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Orlando, Florida, May 15-19, pp. 3526-31, 2006.
  • Kim, Y., Minor, M.A., "Bounded Smooth Time Invariant Motion Control of Unicycle Kinematic Models," 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, April 18-22, pp. 3687-92 , 2005.
  • Shores, B. Minor, M.A., "Design, Kinematic Analysis, and Quasi-Steady Control of a Morphic Rolling Disk Biped Climbing Robot," 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, April 18-22, pp. 2732-37, 2005.
  • Park, S., Minor, M.A., "Modeling and Dynamic Control of Compliant Framed Wheeled Modular Mobile Robots," Proc. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, April 26-May 1, New Orleans, LA, USA, pp. 3937-43, 2004.
  • Hirschi, C.R., Minor, M.A., "Testing and Evaluation of An Automated Tether Management System for Microgravity Extravehicular Activities," Proc. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, April 26-May 1, New Orleans, LA, USA, pp. 2980-86, 2004.
  • Albiston, B.W., Minor, M.A., "Curvature Based Point Stabilization for Compliant Framed Wheeled Modular Mobile Robots," Proc. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Sept 14-19, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 81-89, 2003.
  • Krosuri, S., Minor, M.A., "A Multifunctional Hybrid Hip Joint for Improved Adaptability in Miniature Climbing Robots," Proc. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Sept 14-19, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 312-317, 2003.
  • Merrell, R., Minor, M.A., "Internal Posture Sensing for a Flexible Frame Modular Mobile Robot," Proc. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Sept 14-19, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 452-457, 2003.
  • Minor, M. A., Hirschi, C. R., Ambrose, R. O., "An Automated Tether Management System for Microgravity Extravehicular Activities," 2002 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washington DC, Vol.3, pp. 2289-95, 2002.
  • Minor, M. A., Jensen, K., Kim, Y., "Design and control of a three-link serial manipulator for lessons in particle dynamics," 2002 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washington DC, Vol. 4, pp. 3435-41, 2002.
  • Xiao, J., Minor, M., Dulimarta, H., Ning Xi, Mukherjee, R., Tummala, R.L., "Modeling and control of an under-actuated miniature crawler robot," Proceedings. 2001 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol.3, pp. 1545-51, 2001.
  • Minor, M., Dulimarta, H., Dangi, G., Tummala, L., Mukherjee, R., Aslam, D., "Design and Implementation of a Miniature Under-Actuated Wall Climbing Robot,"  2000 IEEE/RSJ International Symposium on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Takamatsu, Japan, October 2000, Vol. 3, pp. 1999-2005, 2000.
  • Yue, M., Xi, N., Minor, M., Mukherjee, R., "Dynamic workspace analysis and motion planning for a micro biped walking robot," Proc. 2000 IEEE/RSJ Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, v3, pp. 1900-05, 2000.
  • Minor, M., Mukherjee, R.  "A Dexterous Manipulator for Minimally Invasive Surgery", Proc. 1999 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 10-15, Detroit, Mi, Vol. 3, pp. 2057-64, 1999.
  • Mukherjee, R., Minor, M., Pukrushpan, J.,  "Simple Motion Planning Strategies for sphereobot: a spherical mobile robot,"  Proc. of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 7-10, Phoenix, Az., pp. 2132-37, 1999.
  • Yue, M., Minor, M., Xi, N., Mukherjee,  R.,  "Kinematics Workspace Analyses of a Miniature Walking Robot," Proc. 1999 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.  October 17-21, Kyongju, Korea. pp. 1798-1803, 1999.
  • The following publications reflect peer reviewed conferences with moderate (typically 70-80%) acceptance rates:
  • Phipps, C.C., Minor, M.A., "Introducing the Hex-A-Ball, a Hybrid Locomotion Terrain Adaptive Walking and Rolling Robot," Proc. of Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR) 2005, Sept. 13-15, London, UK, pp 525-32, 2005.
  • Zhu, X., Kim, Y., Minor, M.A., "Cooperative Distributed Robust Control of Modular Mobile Robots with Bounded Curvature and Velocity," to appear in Proc. 2005 IEEE/ASME Int’l Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, July 24-28, Monterey, CA, USA, pp 1151-57, 2005.
  • Perry, T.; Cooley, D.; Junyu Guo; Hadley, R.; Minor, M.A.; Parker, D.; Skliar, M.; Roemer, R.B. "Constrained model-predictive thermal dose control for MRI-guided ultrasound thermal treatments," Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 5698, n 1, p 195-206, 2005.
  • Minor, M.A., Meek, S.G., "Structured and Integrated Project Environment in Mechatronics Education," Proc. 2002 ASEE Annual Meeting and Exposition, Montreal, Canada, pp 11819-34, 2002.
  • Meek, S., Roemer, R., Minor, M., "Graduate Mechatronics Education In the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah," 2001 IEEE/ASME Int'l Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, July 8-12, Como, Italy, pp. 1099-1102, 2001.
  • Mukherjee, R., Minor, M.,  "A Simple Motion Planner for a Spherical Robot,"  Proc. 1999 ASME/IEEE Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Sept 19-23, Atlanta, GA, pp. 896-901, 1999.
  • Rosenberg, R.C., Hales, M.K., Minor, M.  "Engineering Icons for Multidisciplinary Systems", 1996 International Mech. Eng. Congress and Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia, Proc. of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, Vol.58, pp.665-673, 1996.

Other Publications

  • Johnson, D., Flickinger, D., Stack, T., Ricci, R., Stoller L., Fish, R., Webb, K., Minor, M., Lepreau, J. Poster Abstract: "Robot Couriers: Precise Mobility in a Wireless Network Testbed," in Proc. of ACM SenSys 2005, San Diego, CA, Nov 2-4 2005.
  • Johnson, D., Flickinger, D., Stack, T., Ricci, R., Stoller, L., Fish, R., Webb, K., Minor, M., Lepreau, J.. Demo Abstract: "Emulab's Wireless Sensor Net Testbed: True Mobility, Location Precision, and Remote Access," in Proc. of ACM SenSys 2005, San Diego, CA, Nov 2-4 2005.
  • Jensen, K., Minor, M., "An Interactive Robot for Educating Pre-College Students About Engineering Disciplines," ASEE Rocky Mountain Chapter Proceedings, April 2001.


  • Minor, M.A., Mukherjee, R.M., "Dexterous articulated linkage for surgical applications,"  US Patent No. 6,309,403.  October 30, 2001.
  • Minor, M.A., Schwensen, C. , "System And Method For Controlling Modular Multi-Axle Robots," Patent Application Docket No.  22904, Submitted March 3, 2003.

Invited Presentations

  • "2007 DARPA Urban Challenge," Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, March 5, 2007.
  • "Design, Modeling, Control, and Evaluation of a Miniature Hybrid Hip Climbing Robot," Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Brigham Young University, July 13, 2006. 
  • "Design, Modeling, Control, and Evaluation of a Miniature Hybrid Hip Climbing Robot," Dept. of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, November 15, 2005. 
  • "Reconfigurable Adaptable Micro-Robots," ICRA 2002 Workshop on Distributed Micro-Robotics, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washington, DC, 2002.
  • "Automated Tether Management System," NASA Johnson Space Center, Automation, Robotics, and Simulation Division, Robotic Systems Technology Branch, 2001.