Global Announcements


Loren Atwood

Loren Atwood

Hometown: Emmett, Idaho

Undergraduate: Brigham Young University, Provo

Program: MS Student

Joined EFD Lab: January 2018

Research Interests: Interested in the physics behind anything that involves modeling transport phenomena for environmental studies using CFD. Examples include smoke transport, emergency chemical release, particle growth, water droplet formation, atmospheric chemistry, and combustion. Currently learning about multiphase transport through porous media for use in a fuel moisture model for wildfires.


The MUST (Mock Urban Setting Test) Experiment

MUST (Mock Urban Setting Test): This was a large international field experiment sponsored by the DOD and DOE. This field campagaign was run in September 2001 at Dugway Proving Ground in western Utah. The focus of this experiment was to better characterize tranport and dispersion of plumes around buildings at very large Reynolds numbers. The experiments have provided new data sets for modelers as well as insight to the physical trasport mechanisms at work within and around the Urban Canopy.

MUST test plan

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