2021 Virtual Grad Expo Registration Form

Thursday, February 18th

All times are Mountain Standard Time. Due to time zone differences, check a time zone converter to see if this could be the previous or following day in your country.

First 50 domestic student registrants will receive a free Mechanical Engineering hoodie! All domestic and international applicants invited by a faculty to interview or receive an offer letter to join their lab will also receive a free hoodie (international shipping restrictions may apply; we can also give it to you when you arrive). Sessions will be recorded for those unable to attend.

Advertised start time 10am
Dean Richard Brown welcome 10:05-10:15am
Department Chair Bruce Gale welcome 10:15-10:25am
Director of Graduate Studies Mark Fehlberg welcome

General info about grad programs 

Short Faculty research presentations 11:20am-12:00pm (~5-10 minutes each)
Lunch break  12-12:30pm
Live lab demos /”tours” 12:35-1:30pm by division, several in a row
Student panel  1:40-2:00pm
Faculty panel 2-2:20pm
Closing remarks and last questions 2:20-2:30pm
“Happy Hour” social with current students and faculty 6:00-7:00pm

You can register for all or only some portions of the event using the form below:

2021 Virtual Grad Expo RSVP
Are you a domestic or international student?
Mailing Address
Mailing Address
Have you submitted an application yet?
I would like to attend the following portions of the event (check all that apply; note that general program information will be the same or similar to the open house in the fall if you attended that; check time zone converter if you are living outside the U.S. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html )