– A typical worker with a bachelor’s degree earns two-thirds more than someone with just a high school diploma. But not all college degrees are created equal. What you study matters. We analyzed data for 126 popular college majors to determine which majors typically come with the best hiring prospects and pay, both now and in the future.

Here are the top 5 majors for a lucrative career

Starting salary for all majors: $43,250 | Median for all majors: $74,700

  1. Computer Science, starting salary: $65,900; mid-career salary: $110,100
  2. Mechanical Engineering, starting salary: $64,000; mid-career salary: $106,800
  3. Biomedical Engineering, starting salary: $62,900; mid-career salary: $103,500
  4. Civil Engineering, starting salary: $57,700; mid-career salary: $98,500
  5. Nursing, starting salary: $58,200; mid-career salary: $76,300