Important Deadlines

Departmental Deadlines

  • Submission of Tuition Benefit forms
    • Due to Grad advising by first Friday of each semester
    • You must submit a Tuition Benefit form every semester that you are eligible for Tuition Benefit, even if your job remains the same
    • Tuition Benefit Enrollment Form
  • Program Declaration
  • Preliminary Program of Study
  • Qualifying Exams
    • Registration forms are due to Grad advising by first Friday of each semester
    • Exams are held during the 12th week of Spring and Fall semesters (counting Spring/Fall break as week)
    • Exam results are provided within 2 weeks following the exams
    • Qualifying Exam Handbook
  • Public MS and PhD Defenses and Proposals
    • Proposal and defense manuscripts must be provided to your Research Advisor at least 3 weeks before the event
    • Proposal and defense manuscripts must be provided to your Supervisory Committee at least 2 weeks before the event
    • Defense and Proposal announcements due to Grad Advising 1 week before the event
    • Signed Defense and Proposal forms due to Grad Advising by 1 week after the event
    • To obtain department approval for your manuscript, you must meet with your Grad Advisor for a format review
    • To graduate in the current semester a Defense must be held at least 1 week before the Thesis Office’s deadline (see below)
      • Defending before the deadline does not guarantee the Thesis Office will have time to clear your manuscript in time for you to graduate in the same semester
      • To streamline your manuscript submission process, work with your Grad Advisor on your manuscript format well before your defense
    • The last day to defend in a semester is the Friday before the next semester’s classes begin
    • Link to Department Forms

University Deadlines